40 Days (Apurva Jadhav) - Blessthefall (Electric Guitar Cover)
Apurva and I began this song in October 2021. At the time, we thought we'd complete the song in 6-9 months tops. But little did we know that we'd take a total of 1 year and 10 months to complete this song. Nevertheless, we have completed a good enough video of one of our favorite Blessthefall songs, 40 Days.
The Tempo:
We began covering this song on the acoustic guitar. The song's Tempo is 190, but when we started we couldn't play at that speed at all. So we dialed it down to 140 tempo and slowly worked our way up. It was extremely difficult to nail the riff, but we're proud of ourselves to have played the cover as is, at 190 Tempo.
The Solo:
Now Blessthefall isn't famous for its solos, most of their early songs didn't even have solos. But 40 Days had a good enough Solo. Now the solo wasn't as difficult, but since this was Apurva's first Metal cover, it was slightly difficult for him. I wasn't completely convinced if Apurva would have been able to play the solo, but I still wanted him to try. Pushing my students slightly out of their comfort zone and making them try difficult tunes is my job. And I'm happy to say, Apurva nailed the Solo within a year of training.
The Timeline:
Now Apurva has a day job, which means he works 5 days a week, sometimes even on Saturdays, but never once did he give up on our goal to finish this video, even though it took us almost 2 years. I admit we were both bored and frustrated with this song at one point, but with enough breaks and a relaxed deadline, we finally completed our dream of covering a Blessthefall song.
Recording Day 2:
We attempted to record a video in April 2023. We tried for 3 hours but we couldn't succeed as the recordings felt out of sync. Up until April 2023, all my Live recordings were completed without the metronome. But I wasn't happy with the April recordings for Apurva's song and hence didn't publish any of those videos as the final take. After this, I realized we needed the metronome to sync and give a tighter performance. That's when a friend recommended using Wireless Earbuds. So we got the Earbuds and gave ourselves another month to train on the metronome.
Now with the Wireless Earbuds, I could give a very tight performance. However, Apurva still needed more time to sync. And then in July, Apurva was finally ready to record the song again. We call it Recording Day 2 for that very reason.
I don't think this is our tightest performance, even though we've tried our best, but Apurva hasn't reached there yet. He eventually will, I have no doubt about it. Another 2 years and a few more covers and Apurva will nail his tightness issue. But I am extremely proud of Apurva for his perseverance and for not giving up on this song, for playing one song for over 2 years, nailing the solo flawlessly, riffing like a beast, and playing the electric guitar like a pro. I bet he can cover any Pop and Alternative song without breaking a sweat, now that he has finished a Metal Cover. And he is also the First one of my students to complete a Level 9 video. Thank you for that.
I hope you guys like our performance. It has been quite a journey to complete this song for both Apurva and me, and we are content with our video cause we've given it our all.
Joining Date - 23 Mar 2021
Level 9 (Play a Post-Hardcore/Metal Song) – Complete
Lead Guitars - Apurva Jadhav
Vocals/Guitars - Vedaunsh Pradeep